Law Firms Keep Up: Google Algorithm Updates for 2022
How To Stay Ahead Of Your Lawyer SEO Competitors
A change to Google's "core," or general, search ranking algorithm and processes is known as a broad core algorithm update. To rank the content, Google's core algorithm combines a number of algorithms that analyze signals from webpages (such as keywords, links, etc.).
Google updates its algorithms annually. Many updates, including those with the names Penguin, Panda, and Pigeon, are made to fix specific bugs or problems with Google's algorithms.

How Do You Reduce Position Changes During Google Algorithm Updates?
Google has consistently made updates and changes to improve its overall search engine experience, including Google content updates and other optimizations to the SERPs. The latest Google update was in May of this year, and it will not stop there. Things can always change, including Google rankings and the relevant factors that affect them.
This also means Google search algorithm updates are something you should always be paying attention to while implementing Lawyer SEO.
Here are the changes that are announced (and can happen) during google algorithm updates in 2022 :
Changes in rank positions
Updates to the search engine's core algorithms are general and do not address any specific problem
Pages with low Google rankings are not subject to any penalties
You should post high-quality content to avoid slipping in the rankings
Every few months, there will be Google search algorithm updates
While re-optimizations and content updates can be a lot of work, this is the best way to stay on top of the rankings. After all, the Google rankings depend on what the algorithm deems is the proper way to rank pages, so you need to adjust according to the changes in these ranking factors.
Remember: That said, don't overreact and make changes right once after watching your rankings go down. Instead, give the algorithm some time to stabilize after an update.
How To Recover From A Drop In Rankings After A Google Update
Back then, updates to the Broad core algorithm affected many websites' rankings across industries. As a result, there are victors and losers whenever Google tweaks its algorithm. If the position of one website rises, the ranking of the other website falls.
Remember: Lawyer SEO has always been a competition, so you must keep up with your competitors.
Delivering high-quality content is recommended by Google to achieve a high position in the SERPs. Yes, that advice takes a lot of time and effort, but it is one of the only ways to stay relevant long-term. After all, if you continue to post high-quality legal blogs, guides, and news content, you'll start building an audience and traffic that'll help keep your website afloat despite the changes to Lawyer SEO.
When someone types a search term into Google to look something up, the search engine makes every attempt to give them relevant, distinctive, and high-quality results based on their keywords.
Since Google's algorithm essentially defines what is "high-quality," you need to pay attention to the changes in algorithms and ranking factors. This is the best way to keep up with your Lawyer SEO and stay ahead of your competitors.
Never stop optimizing your law firm website, even if you land in the top spot. Chances are, the competitors can close in on you if you stop paying attention. In addition, considering everyone wants their website to be at the top of search results, you need to ensure you're not slacking in optimizations and website updates.
Hire The Best Lawyer SEO Company For Your Law Firm!
LawyerLeadMachine provides holistic Law Firm SEO Services and content marketing for attorneys. If you want to learn more about lawyer SEO and marketing, check out our law firm marketing blog. Additionally, LawyerLeadMachine can help you build the best lead generation strategies if you own or manage a law firm. Review our Law Firm SEO services here.