4 Mobile SEO Tips For Law Firms
Updated: Aug 20, 2021
A Quick Introduction To Mobile SEO For Lawyers
Lawyer SEO is all about increasing your chances of ranking higher in the search results. So you optimize your pages, your blog posts, your links, and your site design. However, not all users interact with search engines the same way—they'll use different keywords, search engines, and devices.

Why Is Mobile SEO So Important?
How your website performs with desktop users isn't going to be the same with mobile users. If you dismiss or forget to optimize your site to mobile users, your content, site design, and keywords might not do well on mobile searches. Considering how so many people are on the internet through their smartphones, you miss a huge chunk of Google searchers.
What Is Mobile-First Indexing?
Mobile searches have gained so much prominence that Google even has a separate index for them. The Mobile-first Index ranks pages and websites from searches done on mobile versions. So if you're on your desktop but using the mobile version in your web browser, that still counts towards the Mobile-first Index.
Where Do You Start With Mobile SEO?
Since Google has long given mobile searches importance, we already have access to multiple tools and tricks to keep up with them. Below is a list of basic Mobile SEO practices you can easily integrate into your existing strategy.
1. Check Your Mobile-Friendliness
Luckily for us, Google has provided multiple tools to help you optimize your Lawyer SEO for mobile searches. The first (and easiest) step to optimize your law firm's website for Mobile-first Indexes is to check your mobile-friendliness.
Google has a Mobile-Friendly Test where you only need to type in your URL to test it.
If your site fails the test, it's time to change a few things. You can also check your mobile site yourself and find the design and formatting flaws yourself. Looking at your site's live version—whether on desktop or mobile—also helps you gauge the user experience yourself.
2. Check Your Mobile Traffic
After testing your site for mobile-friendliness, you can look at your mobile traffic and see whether you need to adjust anything else.
As mentioned, Google keeps tabs on their Mobile-first Indexes, so they definitely have the data to base this on.
Using Google Analytics, you can navigate to "Audience" then select "Mobile". This gives you access to users visiting your site, including the devices they're using to do so. From this data, you can also tell which devices—whether mobile, desktop, or tablet—are used by site visitors on your site.
However, regardless if there are more or less visitors using the mobile version of your site, you should still optimize for it. You might even be getting less traffic from mobile users because you have not optimized for mobile searches. Carefully look through your stats and analyze them, then plan out your next strategy from there.
3. Fix Your Mobile Site's User Experience
We have discussed the importance of user experience (UX) in a previous post, and the same concept applies to your mobile site. In general: how users experience your site can affect traffic. So if your texts are in distracting fonts, your site is difficult to navigate, and your layout and design are bugging out, site visitors might get turned off and leave.
The best advice most SEO experts have on Mobile-first SEO is to build a responsive site layout. Basically, responsive site designs can seamlessly transition from the desktop version to the mobile version, automatically detecting which device a user is on. This can preserve the look and feel of your website without having to go back and forth between versions constantly.
Other than that, here's a checklist on what to optimize in your website's mobile version:
Loading speed
Page and text formatting
Page tabs
Photo and videos
4. Do A Separate Keyword Research For Mobile-first Optimization
As mentioned, Google has an entire set of mobile-only search engine data that they use to determine rankings. The keyword research you did at the beginning of your Lawyer SEO strategy may not necessarily include Mobile SEO keywords.
Additionally, many mobile users tend to use Voice Search, which takes advantage of the algorithm's capacity to predict a searcher's intent. More conversational questions are supplied with context by Google, which is why you see a lot of keywords framed as questions.
Mobile users also have the advantage of location tracking, making it easy for them to type out keywords like "Law Firms Near Me" and still get relatively accurate results.
It should also be said that more and more people are doing their searches on their mobile devices. So including these keywords into your SEO strategy only serves to benefit you in the long run.
Let LawyerLeadMachine Assist You
Your website is your law firm's calling card. Lawyer SEO and Digital Marketing can increase traffic and conversions, which you can do through research, practice, and constant adjustments.
If you need more advanced SEO assistance, you can consider working with us.