JC Serrano

Nov 12, 20213 min

Backlink Management Tips For Lawyer SEO

Updated: Oct 21, 2022

Law Firm SEO Guide To Backlink Profile Auditing

You shouldn't wait for your website to be penalized by search engines before looking for bad backlinks. Instead, it is better to detect the problem before your rankings start to slip down. So, how do you find toxic backlinks before they cause damage to your Lawyer SEO?

This post will talk about backlink management and what you need to incorporate in your Lawyer SEO strategy to maintain a great backlink profile.

1. Audit Your Backlink Profile

Your backlink analytics can reveal which links are harming your site's reputation and which are boosting its search rankings. Next, compile all the links from various sources into an excel sheet using the correct SEO tool.

Google Search Console provides a free backlink tool that helps you monitor your website's backlinks (among other helpful SEO tools!).

It's your job to gather links and keywords and site authority from which to link. To ensure you don't forget to check on your backlink profile, consider adding backlink auditing as part of your planned Lawyer SEO strategy.

2. Manually Check Each Link
After you've gathered all of your backlink data, go over each item manually.

First, you can look at the websites the backlinks are coming from. Then, make sure they aren't previously penalized by Google, are not posting spam and plagiarized content, and are actually posting high-quality content that attracts organic traffic.

You can also check for anchor texts. If the anchor text used in the backlinks has nothing to do with your website or page, it can be a toxic backlink. For example, if one of the links uses an anchor text about gardening, then it is irrelevant to whatever is on your law firm's website.

Remember: Some sites might genuinely be citing your legal content but are not using the correct anchor text. However, this can still be harmful to your Lawyer SEO, so consider asking the author to change the anchor text.

3. List Unwanted Backlinks
While you're going through a list of backlinks, make sure to take note of the toxic ones you want to be removed or disavowed.

Listing all the bad backlinks before taking any action is a more efficient way of doing so. Google's disavow tool also requires a list of backlinks you want to be disavowed, so sorting through them beforehand is a great practice.

To keep things organized, you might want to leave notes or remarks on the list. You can keep this copy for future reference, so you know what's worth keeping or disavowing.

4. Disavow Toxic Backlinks

Now that you have a complete list, it's time to delete the bad backlinks. Bad backlinks can be removed in two ways:

  • You can contact the owner of the domain that links to your website to work out a solution. This can be as simple as requesting that the unnatural anchor text be removed or updated.

    • If you can't reach the owner of a domain that is spamming you with irrelevant links, contact the web host provider and ask them to remove them.

  • Request that Google disavow these toxic backlinks. When disavowing, use the Google search console's disavow tool or the SEO tool you're using to upload a list or file containing domain links.

Remember that these are the only ways to dissociate your website with possibly harmful content. You often don't have control over your backlinks, so watch out for malicious Negative SEO attacks that are deliberately creating low-quality backlinks to pull you down the rankings.


The Panda and Penguin updates, which focused on quality backlinks and content, now make it impossible to cheat your backlink strategy. Not all backlinks are good, so you need to remove the ones that can potentially harm your Lawyer SEO.

You must monitor your backlink profile on a regular basis, as ignoring bad backlinks will negatively impact your website, audience, and ROI.

You can use the above tips listed above as a way to improve your backlink profile, and therefore boost your SEO, maintain your rankings, and avoid penalties from search engines.

The SEO Experts At LawyerLeadMachine Can Help You

Lawyer SEO improves traffic on your firm's website. Auditing and regular optimization make sure you maintain that traffic. To have a Lawyer SEO expert help your law firm's marketing efforts, review your options here.
