Why Should Your Law Firm Consider Attorney SEO?
Updated: Sep 27, 2022
Find Out How Implementing Lawyer SEO Can Benefit Your Law Firm's Search Rankings
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) was born from taking advantage of the internet. If you've heard talks about it before, it might seem complicated or risky. After all, law firms have been successful way before the internet became mainstream, right?

However, businesses and firms from all sorts of industries have been successful before. Gone were the days of paper flyers, yellow pages, and newspaper ads, and unto maximizing your online visibility to the millions who are already on the internet.
So, if you're feeling a little hesitant, here's a list of reasons why Attorney SEO it's worth trying out for Texas Law Firms.
1. It Levels The Playing Field
As with most dignified professionals, part of an attorney's selling point is their credibility. Of course, you can build your credibility in many ways, but one of them is performing well enough for past clients to speak highly of you. In theory, the more people talk about you, the more likely is your law firm going to be someone's personal recommendation.
However, there are a few things to consider here: What if you're new? What if you're more qualified?
It's not every day that a potential client comes across every law firm in the directories. What sometimes ends up happening is they go to a firm that's already well-known, so newer lawyers and lesser-known firms have to work harder to get their names out there.
In Attorney SEO, everyone will have a fair chance to rank high, given that they do it well. So as long as you produce high-quality content and practice good on-page SEO and off-page SEO, it can contribute to your overall rankings on search engines.
2. It Updates Your Law Firm Marketing Strategy
If you take a step back and look around, you'll know just how much of the internet has been incorporated into our lives. You can do almost everything online—like grocery shopping, food deliveries, getting your university credits, and hiring professional services.
Marketing strategies have changed. Businesses have slowly adjusted and evolved with the rising popularity of the internet in our everyday lives. While traditional offline strategies have worked before, it would be unfortunate to ignore new marketing opportunities made available to us.
At this point, SEO is no longer a niche marketing tool that only a few entities are privy to. Quick and exhaustive how-tos and manuals are available online for anyone to use, and it's served practitioners well.
Attorney SEO is also widely practiced. When done right, it—at the very least—gets your law firm's name out there.
Not to mention, a lot of users now rely on online searches and Google Reviews to find an attorney. Users no longer have to drive around or browse directories, they'll simply do a quick search and instantly get what they need. Marking your law firm's presence online is no different than getting it on lawyer directories.
3. Quantifiable (And Very Detailed) Numbers On Your Progress
Stats dominates your SEO practice. These numbers are the basis for how you optimize and improve your SEO practice.
Here's a couple of scenarios that might happen:
If your traffic starts to drop, you look at your content and site SEO.
When your bounce rate is spiking, you look for things that are making users click off.
When you're not getting enough hits on your blog posts, you look at the quality of the content you're producing.
While you can count the number of clients you have through your office documents, SEO can give you more numbers that let you know exactly how to adjust your Law Firm Marketing strategies.
4. You Can Start Immediately
While there are complex tools and services that can help upgrade your Law Firm SEO strategy, you technically only need to start with a website.
As long as you're planning and structuring your site around good SEO strategies, you're already taking that first step. Some resources and how-tos can help you do the basics yourself, so you shouldn't worry about complicated things.
It would be great if you incorporated Lawyer SEO as an official marketing strategy for your Law Firm. That way, you get to set aside time and budget for your new venture. Of course, if you don't want to do it yourself, you can always hire content and SEO experts to help you.
How Can LawyerLeadMachine Help You With Attorney SEO?
Lawyer SEO can improve traffic on your Law Firm's website simply by implementing practices that the algorithm favors. In addition, you can track and manage your progress with the right method and tools.
Whether you want to automate your SEO process or you need high-quality content that attracts traffic, LawyerLeadMachine can help you with that.
If this is your first time or you're hesitating about giving it a try, a little push might help. To get started on your law firm SEO strategy, review your options here.