Lawyer Bios: 6 Tips For An Effective Lawyer Profile
Updated: Aug 20, 2021
How To Write The Best Attorney Biography For Your Website
Before a client schedules an appointment with any legal counsel, they will first want to know everything they can about you. Unlike your physical office, a potential client's perspective of who you are and what you do as a firm is dependent on the details you present online. Aside from knowing how your law firm operates, they might also want to know the lawyers behind it.

Lawyer biographies are tricky, because the ideal bio is different depending on where your potential clients are reading it from. Of course, for social media spaces like Twitter and Instagram, brevity and wit always win. But for your website, you can just as easily make it too short as you can make it too long.
When it comes to Lawyer SEO and Marketing, the best way to get clients is to optimize all your pages and information. These optimizations include design, aesthetics, and user experience.
Remember: Ultimately, a lawyer bio that's easy and pleasant to read is more likely to make clients want to know more about you. They're also great for brand awareness and name recall.
Below are a few tips to make the best lawyer bios for your website:
1. Make Your Name And Title The Most Visible
Don't make it difficult for anyone to find your full name and the role you do. Prospects will become irritated if you keep this information hidden from them, and they will leave your bio or website altogether.
Remember: No matter how impressive your awards and achievements are, they won't amount to much if potential clients don't even remember your name. So make sure they can see it upfront.
2. Use A Professional Photo
Clients who are interested in working with you want to know who they will be working with. A headshot or photo of you will help them associate your website and blog posts to a real person, not just some faceless law firm putting out content for them to read.
While you're not required to post an awkward ID picture, you should avoid posting selfies and low-quality photos. You can be mid-motion or posed, as long as it reflects you and your professional practice.
3. A Concise Rundown Of Your Services
Take your potential clients through the steps of your work process. Tell them how a meeting between you will go, how you will conduct investigations, and how you'll work alongside them for their legal concerns.
Show them how you work and what they have to look forward to.
4. List Your Most Notable Accomplishments
List your most notable accomplishments, like awards, recognitions, and most significant verdicts. However, this doesn't mean you should list and disclose every award or name of every county bar association you belong to. Instead, list the ones that matter to your practice.
For Example:
If you're marketing yourself as a Personal Injury Lawyer, you can list your top ten most significant verdicts, link articles, and show related recognitions.
5. Tell Them A Little About Yourself
You're more than just a lawyer. Potential clients appreciate it when you show a more humanizing side of you.
Tell them about hobbies or activities you do on your spare time or a brief description of your ideal weekend. Show your personality through the details or the tone of your writing.
6. Make Sure It's Written For Online Readers
When writing a lawyer's bio, make sure you're not writing walls of text that might get boring fast. You also don't want clients to dismiss or not finish it for being too long.
Remember: Most online readers want to get what they need as quickly as possible. That's why you're always advised to write blogs and articles with heading tags and bylines.
Follow these basic tips instead:
Write shorter sentences and paragraphs.
Use bullet points and lists.
Don't use specialized terminologies.
Assume most people reading your bio are not lawyers.
Do You Need Help With Law Firm SEO?
A clean, user-friendly website is a must. And yes, that includes everything that's on your website—like images, texts, headlines, and videos.
If you need a little help with Lawyer Marketing, LawyerLeadMachine can provide high-quality and consistent Lawyer SEO content and management for you. Review your Law Firm SEO options here.