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Evergreen Content: Why Your Lawyer SEO Needs It

Writer's picture: JC SerranoJC Serrano

The Benefits Of Evergreen Content For Law Firms

Evergreen content is optimized content that retains its relevance over time, resulting in long-term traffic growth. Because it doesn't get outdated, evergreen content that ranks high in the search results tends to stay there for a long time.

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Why Should Law Firms Create Evergreen Content?

Evergreen content generates consistent traffic and leads over time. Unlike "trendy" topics and seasonal keywords, aiming for evergreen content is better for Lawyer SEO in the long run.

Here are a few other reasons why you should invest in evergreen content:

1. Return On Investment (ROI) Grows And Compounds Over Time

As mentioned, trendy and seasonal topics tend to have a time limit. The moment a topic, keyword, or news story becomes stale, the fewer the times people search for them on Google. The less traffic your pages get, the more they're going to slip in rankings.

However, if it's evergreen content, the topic and keywords stay relevant for a long time. Since traffic is less likely to fluctuate, you won't have to constantly refresh old material or create "trendier" ones.

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2. Evergreen Content Can Be Reused And Repromoted

If you write an evergreen blog post, it will be easy for you to repeatedly promote it year after year.

This might also allow you to transform your content. You can link it in a Tweet, turn it into an infographic, or make video content out of it. You no longer have to write new information to make content in other mediums; you only need to use your evergreen content as reference.

3. They're More Likely To Get Links

Most evergreen contents are written to become citable resources. When you write the most comprehensive and valuable legal guide out of all the blogs and articles on a specific keyword or topic, the more likely it is to be cited as the source of other content covering the same themes.

Evergreen Content Examples

When you're aiming to create evergreen content, you should figure out how to make an article or post complete, digestible, and useful. While that doesn't suggest a specific type of content, some formats are easier to optimize.

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Legal Guides

Legal guides are a complete overview of a specific case or law. These guides aim to educate beginners and non-lawyers about a particular law, the reader's rights, and how the law applies to them.

For Example:

If you want to write about Personal Injury Laws in California, your legal guide should be able to answer the following questions:

  • What is Personal Injury Law?

  • How do I know I have grounds for a Personal Injury claim?

  • What are the types of evidence I need to prove a claim?

  • What are the damages I can collect for winning a case?

  • How long will the process take?

  • What is the statute of limitations?

2. Bylined Legal "How-To's"

How-to's are step-by-step guides that aim to teach readers how to do a certain law-related action. They are usually bylined or divided into different points, going through the process of something your readers want to do or accomplish.

For Example:

You can write guides like:

  • How To Forward A Personal Injury Claim

  • How To Sue Your Boss For Wrongful Termination

  • How To Challenge An Insurance Firm's Offer With The Help Of An Attorney

  • How To Collect Damages For The Death Of A Loved One

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3. Lists Or Listicles

List posts, sometimes known as 'Listicles,' are among the most common types of blog content. They can also drive a lot of traffic to the site if done correctly.

For Example:

For legal blog content, you can write educational lists that aim to enumerate or rank. Some ideas include:

  • The Most Common Motorcycle-Related Lawsuits

  • 5 Common Defenses For A DUI In California

  • Most Common Causes Of Catastrophic Injuries

  • Highest Settlements For Personal Injury Cases In New York

Why Hire A Content Marketing Expert

When it comes to Lawyer SEO, evergreen content is one of the most beneficial types of content you can create. With evergreen content, your ROIs will compound over time.

If you're new to SEO or a busy firm, LawyerLeadMachine can assist you in making high-quality, consistent, and SEO-friendly content. Review your options here.


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