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5 Family Law Blog Topics That Generate Leads

Writer's picture: JC SerranoJC Serrano

What To Write In Your Family Law Blog For Lawyer SEO

In digital marketing, content marketing targets a specific audience by publishing specific types of content—in this case, blogs. Instead of introducing yourself as a general law firm, you establish authority and credibility by creating high-quality legal guides, tutorials, and checklists. Legal blogging, when combined with Lawyer SEO, can be a powerful tool for generating Family Law Leads.

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When it comes to law firm content marketing, legal blogging is the easiest to start and maintain. In addition, legal guidelines are the simplest to create, as you only need to write what you know in a style that is understandable and engaging for non-lawyers.

People looking for concise and basic information about Family Law are likely doing so because they are unfamiliar with it. So stay away from legal jargon and explain legal concepts every time you need to bring them up.

Remember: For your content marketing strategy to work, the content itself should be in some way valuable to your audience. Users won't find your content helpful if they can't understand it.

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Of course, you still have to implement Lawyer SEO, so people find your content in the search results. If you're not ranking for keywords, you will most likely get buried by websites that do. So conduct keyword research and choose the best ones you want your blogs to rank for.

Below is a list of family law blog topics that can be valuable to potential clients for your law firm.

1. Explain How Family Law Procedures Go

When a potential client realizes they may have grounds to file a family law action, they'll want to know what it takes to go to court or get into settlement negotiations. So you want to write blogs for an audience looking to educate themselves on how the law works and how they fit into it.

Since family law covers different topics, it's best if you make specific blog entries for each one. Then, for each new family law—divorce, prenups, child custody, child support, paternity, etc.—provide thorough details on the process and paint a picture of what it's like for the user to be a client.

Remember: Even if they have some previous knowledge, your potential clients are not attorneys. Instead, they rely on you to guide them through the legal system. So write for non-experts to make it easier for them to understand and digest your blogs.

2. Explain Money Matters

Most family law concerns are centered around the division of assets. While it's great to discuss every possible outcome of a case, brushing over the financial issues would not be ideal for a family law blog. Prospective clients should not only be aware of the emotional toll a process can potentially bring, but they should also have an idea as to how their finances are going to play out in the future.

Remember: You don't have to give them exact numbers. You only need to keep financial matters in mind when you're writing family law blogs. For example, discuss how financial responsibility is divided between parents in child support claims, how assets are protected in prenups, how filing for paternity works out financially, etc.

Filing for cases like divorce and child support is a time-consuming and unpleasant process. However, your potential clients should feel like it's worth the stress and emotional toll to go through the process.

3. Describe Your Law Firm's Role

Clients want to know what you can do for them. Explain how family lawyers can conduct their own investigations, what tools your firm and lawyers have to speed up the case, and how you'll deal with the emotional toll this will have on your clients.

As a lawyer, you are the family law expert. However, most clients do not want to be kept in the dark about their situations. They've invested time and resources to work with you, so they won't just sit back and wait for updates and advice on everything. Clients may even wish to help with the investigation in some situations.

Remember: Explain how your abilities and experiences can help them throughout the process. While some of your clients might only be looking for information, you shouldn't dismiss the possibility that some of them might already be considering hiring an attorney.

4. List The Evidence And Documentation They Need

When someone considers filing certain family law claims, they must have the grounds to do so. For example, if someone is looking to appeal a recent child custody decision, they need proof that the ruling was wrong. Their ex-spouse could be financially incapable, abusive, or not in the right headspace to have shared or full custody of their children.

List the evidence that can help them win their case. Some users will actively seek out these lists, look at the evidence they have, and decide if they have a chance. However, like any good attorney, you should assure them that though they might not have any sufficient evidence at hand, you're still willing to work and investigate for them.

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It will also be easier for you to work with them in the long run as a result of this. For example, you may not need to ask them for evidence if they've already seen what you listed. They may even save text messages in advance, request documents, and take photos to be handed to you.

5. List Important Deadlines

Your prospective clients must be aware of their own deadlines. Some people ignore or delay legal action because they believe they will be able to deal with it later.

So be clear about deadlines for filings, appeals, and other relevant actions. Not only is this a good topic to discuss with all of your clients, but some people will actively seek this specific information through search engines.

Does Your Legal Blog Need More Content?

For Family Law Attorneys, blogging is a simple, accessible, and powerful content marketing tool. To keep site traffic and conversions coming, all you need is high-quality, consistent, and optimized content.

If you need help writing consistent, high-quality content, LawyerLeadMachine has experts to assist your firm. Review your options here.


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