6 Google SEO Tools For Law Firms
Updated: Aug 20, 2021
A List Of Google Lawyer SEO Tools You Can Start With
If you're new to Lawyer SEO, you might not know where to start. Beginners can start with basic SEO tools, and fortunately, Google provides a good selection of free and accessible ones to use for your digital marketing strategy.

1. Google Trends
Google Trends is a great (and free) tool that can track search trends, compare the search volumes, and utilize past data to determine and predict the popularity of a specific topic or keyword. It's free and up to date.
It can also show you the graphs to represent the numerical data. That way, you'll be able to discern and make comparisons even when you're not a Lawyer SEO expert.
Remember: Keywords that rank near or at the top of the search engine results page (SERP) are important. Focusing on keywords with consistent rankings is a sustainable strategy. While they may appear less popular, they represent themes that are consistently getting traffic no matter how long it's been since they became popular.
Google Trends is useful even at its most basic level, but you can always go further. For example, there's a menu across the top of Google Trends that lets you pick a location, time, category, and search platform. When working on your Local SEO, having the ability to look at keywords and trends specific to a location is very important.
2. Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that checks the traffic on your website. For most firms, your website acts as the center for all your digital traffic. As a result, your site visitors will most likely visit your website at some point, especially when you're using content marketing and Lawyer SEO strategies.
Given that your website is the core of your digital presence, it's a great way to get a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of all the strategies you're using to market your law firm online.
Remember: If you want a free but highly effective tool to track your digital marketing strategies, use Google Analytics. Experts are still using it to this day.
3. Google Search Console
Google Search Console is a set of Google-based tools that allows you to track your site's performance, identify problems, and improve your site's ranking. It can show you statistics and data, as well as Google recommendations and graphs to track your site's current status. When you know what to do with these insights and reports, they can be beneficial.
Remember: If you're new to Google Search Console, you'll need to verify your site's ownership first.
After logging into Google Search Console with your Google account, you'll notice a button that says "Add Property." This is the first step to verify that a domain belongs to you. After you've authenticated all versions of your website, you can invite additional people from your law firm or digital marketing agency to join your account.
4. Keyword Planner
Keyword Planner, formerly known as the Google Keyword Tool, is a tool that every Lawyer SEO strategist should become familiar with. Despite not being the only free keyword tool out there, it's a good starting point for keyword research.
You can find new keywords to target for SEO, see how keyword volumes have changed through time, and view suggested bid estimates, among other things.
Like Google trends, you can also select specific locations for Local SEO keywords.
5. Test My Site
Test My Site looks at your site's speed, personalization, and experience; all of which are essential facets of Lawyer SEO. It analyzes these facets and gives you corresponding data to work with.
You can also sign up to get a full report, which will be sent through your registered email address. Other than the complete data, you'll also get recommendations and explanations for both marketers and developers.
6. Mobile-Friendly Test Quick Access
This tool is simple but very useful. The test can tell you whether Google deems your page mobile friendly or not, which can estimate how mobile users experience or use your site.
Remember: Mobile-First rankings have become more important to Google as more users are doing searches on their mobile devices.
If your website fails the mobile test, the test will tell you why. For example, it can tell you if images are too large for the screen or if the links and texts are hard to read and poorly formatted.
7. Google My Business
Google My Business (GMB) is an easy way for your law firm to appear in local searches. Your law firm's name, contact information, website, and customer reviews all show up in the listing.
When you list your law firm, GMB allows Google to show it to users in your area. If a user searches for lawyers near them, a marker for law firms (including yours) will appear on Google Maps.
Remember: Google's local searches are used by nearby locals and Voice Search alike. That's why you can use keywords with "near me" and "in my area" and still show up in searches within your state or city.
Google My Business helps you attract new clients, boost awareness, and allows quick access to your law firm's business information.
LawyerLeadMachine Can Help Boost Your Law Firm SEO
Your Lawyer SEO strategy can be improved by both paid and unpaid SEO tools. Google provides enough of these tools for anyone who's just starting out with their SEO planning.
To get you started, review your options here.