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What To Do With Negative Reviews For Your Maryland Law Firms

How To Properly Respond To Bad Law Firm Reviews In Maryland

So, a client gives your law firm bad reviews. How do you respond?

To be fair, most law firms with enough reviews can afford to ignore a few bad ones. After all, more positive reviews will eventually balance out potentially bad ones.

However, there's a way to address negative reviews. Of course, the best scenario is that you get to address problems that a disgruntled client might have. However, even if you don't change their mind, you can at least ensure everyone that you're willing to work on your performance and ensure similar problems never happen again.

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Why Reviews Matter For Law Maryland Law Firm Marketing

Reviews build trust. Nowadays, people are more likely to look up products and services before availing them. Reviews work as social proof, so people can gauge your opinion based on previous clients' reviews.

How To Manage Negative Reviews For Your Maryland Law Firm Marketing

Businesses and firms are anxious about setting up a review listing on popular platforms. This is due to the possibility of inescapable unfavorable reviews. Occasionally, things can go wrong, whether it is due to a genuine error or a bad day.

Having said that, this does not imply that you have no control over unfavorable comments. However, since they significantly impact smaller law firms with fewer clients and reviews, they can substantially impact your overall rating.

So, here's what you can do when a bad review is left:

1. Respond And Apologize

The first thing you need to do is to make a public response. Reply to the negative comment and try to sympathize with the reviewer. You might have seen responses like "we're sorry you had a bad experience," usually said regardless of who's in the right.

Remember: Some bad reviews might be rooted in misunderstanding. However, if you're aggressive from the get-go, you lose the chance to negotiate and possibly address an otherwise fixable problem.

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2. Ask To Communicate With Them Privately

Since you're doing this publicly, you must watch what you're typing. Don't give too much away; save that for a more private conversation. You can ask the customer to send you a private message or an email in the same response.

Taking your negotiations to more private correspondences avoids the risk of further angering the client and prompting them to leave an even more critical review.

3. Resolve The Matter As Best As You Can

Once you've established communications via private messages or emails, have a representative speak with the client. They should be the point person for every concern from here on out. Passing the already aggrieved client around will just frustrate them.

Hear them out, then consider your options to address their concerns. For example, did they not get the services they expected from you? Was it a problem with the appointment? A conflict in the schedule?

Consider reasonable options. You should calmly offer them alternatives if they're asking for too much. Don't forget to use calm and polite language in your exchange.

4. Ask Them To Update Their Review

If you successfully resolve the matter privately, you can politely ask the customer to update their review. Most of the time, if you go out of your way to help a concerned client, their opinion of you will be positive.

If they do change their review, all the better for your Maryland law firm marketing. For potential clients who might be browsing reviews, seeing you put in the work to help and resolve an aggrieved client's issues helps build trust.

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