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The Most Important Pages On Your Law Firm's Website

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

A Quick Law Firm SEO Guide To Site Pages

After you finalize your site structure, now's the time to through it page by page. Even if the same users don't immediately become clients, they might be interested in learning more about something else. It may be tough to find the precise material they want to read if you don't use suitable tags and site tabs. They'll probably give up and close the account. The more difficult your website is to navigate, the less likely potential customers will stick around.

Content marketing and SEO aren't just about good content; but also attracting users to your site and offered services. Your Lawyer SEO techniques and tactics are to get a potential client to visit your appointment page or contact information.

Below are the site pages you want to build and optimize for Law Firm SEO.

1. Home Page

Your home page should immediately tell users everything about your Law Firm. Even if they first visit your site through a different page, interested users will click to your home page to find out what your website is all about.

In short, your home page should answer the following questions:

  • What type of firm or business do you have?

  • Which city or state do you practice in?

  • What legal services are you offering?

  • What can they do on your website?

Your home page should also allow users access to different pages at once. You can do this by making visible tabs or links to the other informative pages on your site.

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2. About Page

Your About Page is where you can explicitly and exclusively market your Law Firm to users. So don't hesitate to sell your firm's best qualities.

While it's suggested to keep things concise and easy to read, you should be able to answer these questions:

Who are you?

  • List or make a directory of your lawyers

  • List their past achievements

  • Highlight their specialties and best qualities

  • You can also include your firm's history

What do you do?

  • Specify areas of law your firm is best at

  • If you target your services to a specific demographic (i.e., an age group), include that in your information

Where do you practice?

  • Include the state, city, or county your Law Firm practices in

Why should the client hire you?

  • You can list your achievements, like past successful cases, awards, and specializations

How can the client hire you?

  • Put links to your contact information

  • If you offer online consultations and case reviews, mention those

Every firm automates and operates its online channels differently. You should be able to get these across on your About Me page.

3. Your Contact Information

Keep in mind that when you're creating content, you are expecting potential clients to read it. The goal of optimizing your content and website to rank high is for people to see it, but if you fail to direct interested users to your services, it will defeat the purpose of your Lawyer SEO.

If users decide they might require your services, your Law Firm's information should be easy to find. This is where they'll see your firm's address, contact number, and emails.

Make sure to also keep this information consistent throughout your entire online presence. For example, you don't want to put a different email for your social media account and another on your website. This only confuses potential clients.

4. Your Service Offerings

Users may not always be familiar with the law. So it's very possible that they're searching legal terms in Google because they want to learn more. Think twice before assuming they understand what a specific area of law entails.

Other than blog posts explaining the specifics of litigation, you should also organize your "offerings" page by inputting categories and subtopics.

For Example:

If your firm handles Employment Law Claims in California, you should link subtopics (i.e., workers' comp, Wrongful Termination, Harassment) and related legal services.

Describe the areas of law, how you handle them, and what you can do for clients who need them. If users are already looking for assistance on specific cases, they'll be looking for these details.

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5. Blog Posts

There's a limit to how many pages a website can have before it becomes too busy. The amount of blog posts, on the other hand, is limitless. This is because your blog posts are usually organized into one page.

Any topic that you can't discuss in-depth on your main pages can be covered in great detail in multiple blog posts.

In addition, every blog post can be adapted to a specific searcher's demands and utilized to deliver targeted traffic to your site.

For Example:

  • If your website centers around legal cases in California, write city and county-specific guides and posts.

  • You can write about objective legal perspectives on current events.

  • You can post updates about temporary changes in the law (i.e., Covid 19 adjustments, natural disaster response, etc.).

You can't include a comprehensive list of laws or detailed infractions on your "Offered Services" page since it's either too broad or too cluttered, so you talk about it in a blog post instead.

What Can LawyerLeadMachine Do For You?

Law Firm SEO is all about practicing, adapting, and improving. If this is your first time or you're hesitating on giving it a try, a little push might help. To get started on your SEO, you can review your options here.

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