Core Web Vitals For Law Firm Websites: What You Need To Know In 2022
Updated: Oct 12, 2022
What Do They Have To Do With Your Law Firm Marketing Strategies?
Google publishes new and improved algorithms on a regular basis to improve the quality of its search engine. For example, Core Web Vitals metrics were launched in 2021.
If you're running a law firm website and implementing Lawyer SEO, you must constantly keep up and make adjustments to your law firm marketing strategy. If you've worked out your Law Firm SEO basics, now's the time to delve into more advanced data and auditing to improve your potential ROI.
Let's talk about what Google's Core Web Vitals are and how they affect your law firm marketing:

What Are Google's Core Web Vitals?
Core Web Vitals is a set of metrics for assessing the user experience, which is crucial for website optimization. It considers three factors: website performance, interaction, and layout stability.
Why do you need Core Web Vitals for your website? Quality content is vital to Google, and it wants to make sure that search engine results are relevant to users' needs. At the same time, Google is compensated for advertising views. As a result, site visitors must stay on your law firm website for as long as possible, as advertising banners generate revenue.
If approached correctly, it will benefit everyone. A user-friendly and quick website will rank higher and attract more visitors. This will be better for your Law Firm SEO strategy and potential ROI.
The Most Important Metrics On Google's Core Web Vitals
Google's Core Web Vitals provides three measures, as previously mentioned.
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
The download speed is measured using LCP metrics. Although Google's algorithm was previously essential, the search engine will now place a greater emphasis on it.
First Input Delay (FID)
The FID statistic measures how long a person waits after clicking on a webpage until the browser responds. As this metric rises, the number of failures rises as well.
Remember: Most users don't stick around to wait for slow websites. Instead, they'll leave and find what they need somewhere else, which you don't want to happen with your law firm website.
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
CLS is the Google Core Web Vitals search algorithm's third metric. It refers to the time it takes for all of the page's elements to load and stop shifting relative to one another.
How Do You Monitor These Vital Metrics On Your Law Firm Website?
There are several tools and services that can help you measure the performance of a law firm website. Here are some available tools to test Google Core Web Vitals algorithms:
Google Search Console Report. The report gives you the chance to determine how well web pages comply with CWV metrics.
PageSpeed ​​Insights. This tool organizes important data by color, allowing you access to information about your website in a digestible and easy-to-access form.
Lighthouse. This service assists in assessing the website's performance across various metrics and providing recommendations for enhancing the website's speed and usability.
Chrome Dev Tools. Luckily, this service can be accessed with the Chrome browser. So you can access them anytime you need to audit your law firm website's performance.
Hire The Best Lawyer SEO and Content Marketing Agency for your Law Firm!
LawyerLeadMachine provides SEO for Lawyers services and content marketing services for attorneys. Our attorney SEO specialists can handle the unique aspects of law firm marketing. If you want to learn about lawyer SEO and marketing, check out our law firm marketing blog.
If you own or manage a law firm, LawyerLeadMachine can help build the best strategies for law firms. Review our Law Firm SEO services here.