3 Lawyer SEO Tips For New Legal Bloggers
Updated: May 11, 2022
Actionable Tips To Improve Your Law Firm Blog's Current Lawyer SEO Strategy
Writing a legal blog in itself entails a lot of time and energy. Not only should you be posting consistently, but you also need to make sure that the content you post is of high quality. That said, just because your blog is high-quality doesn't mean it'll get the attention it deserves. After all, marketing, the SERPs, and the legal niche in general are very competitive. For your blog to gain traction, you need to apply the essential optimization tips that will allow it to rank higher than your competitors.

So, here's a list of Lawyer SEO tips to help you get your well-written blog posts a boost in rankings:
Tip #1: Target The Right Keywords
Competing for keywords isn't just selecting the highest volume and running with it. Instead, you need to be strategic with the keywords you rank for by planning out which will lead you to success.
That said, strategies can differ from one law firm to the next. However, if you're a new or small firm (or just starting out in Lawyer SEO), you might have more chances to rank for keywords with lower search volumes. This is because high-volume keywords tend to be dominated by bigger law firms, making it harder for smaller firms and SEO newbies to break through. Thus, you can start with long-tail keywords and Local SEO.
Remember: Ranking high in multiple low-volume keywords is better than gunning for high-competition keywords and not ranking at all.
Of course, you still want to try ranking for high-volume keywords. However, it's best to cover as much ground as possible when starting out. While Lawyer SEO doesn't generate ROI overnight, you can at least create a strategy that will help you slowly climb up the SERPs.
Tip #2: Don't Forget To Be Mobile-Friendly
More and more people use their phones to look things up on search engines. In fact, mobile devices have come so far that people can directly ask them to do searches for them.
The point is, more and more people are using their phones. So if you've never optimized your site to accommodate smaller screens, then you're at a disadvantage.
Remember: Desktop sites don't look good on mobile devices. So if you haven't optimized for Mobile SEO, it'll significantly affect your site's user experience.
Not to mention, Mobile SEO is now considered a must. If your site isn't mobile-friendly, you'll likely have lower chances to rank high than those.
Tip #3: Optimizes Your Images
When it comes to Lawyer SEO, every single detail counts. Though it feels like an innocuous detail, many minor optimizations like an image file name, anchor text, and URL all contribute to your search rankings. So, yes, even the small details on the images you use on your blog posts counts.
Remember: Search engines don't have the technology to accurately describe what's on an image. So, they opt to take the details and optimizations associated with it to fully grasp what's in an image.
Here are the elements you can optimize:
File Name. Don't leave your file names to a default combination of numbers and letters. Instead, use keywords that can adequately describe what an image is about.
Alt Text. This text basically describes what's in an image to help visually impaired audiences who use screen readers.
Additionally, alt text is also used by search engine crawlers to help them recognize what an image is. Again, use short but descriptive text, preferably with keywords.
Caption. Unlike alt text, the audience can immediately see the captions. Just make sure it's descriptive of the image and helps the reader (and search crawlers) identify what your image is about.
Let The Experts At LawyerLeadMachine Assist You
Your website is your law firm's calling card. Lawyer SEO and Digital Marketing can increase traffic and conversions, which you can do through research, practice, and constant adjustments.
If you need more advanced SEO, you can consider working with us.