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Employment Law Leads: 4 Ways To Generate Them For Your Law Firm

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

Strategies To Generate Employment Labor Law Leads For New York Lawyers and Attorneys

Lawyers have practice areas they're most experienced and successful at. This means that they're also looking for a specific type of client, ones they could best assist. So if you're looking for Employment Law clients, you should adjust your Lawyer SEO and Content Marketing strategies to generate leads.

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1. Write An Employment Law Blog

Legal Blogging is an effective content marketing strategy. By producing high-quality Labor Law blogs that users find valuable, you'll start attracting people who already have an interest in the topic. These people are either looking to educate themselves about California Employment Law or are looking for a top Los Angeles Employment Lawyer they can trust with their cases.

Consider writing about popular topics that have high search volumes. Choosing popular topics increases the chances of your blog posts being found, and it's because there's already a demand for the information you can provide.

Here are some blog posts you can write:

  • Legal guides

  • Checklists

  • Court procedures

  • How-to's/tutorials

  • FAQs

  • Case studies

  • Infographics

Whichever type of content you write, you should incorporate Lawyer SEO strategies to get your Labor Law blog posts to rank higher in the search engines.

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2. Social Media Marketing

Some people don't like the long-form content that blogs usually are, but they might prefer shorter catchier social media posts. Unfortunately, making an account isn't enough. You also need to post useful, valuable, or entertaining content that piques users' interests on social media platforms.

The content you post on your law firm's social media profile should be interesting to potential clients since this is how you catch their attention and possibly redirect them to your law firm's website.

Remember: The most important thing is choosing a social media strategy that is manageable for you. Create a schedule that prioritizes quality over quantity, and stick with it.

Don't forget to study the best ways to get the most out of the platform. Here are a few things to consider:

  • What types of posts do well for each platform?

  • How frequently should you post?

  • What time of the day or week should you post?

  • What are the most popular keywords on the platform?

  • Do you have to use hashtags for each post?

3. Dedicated Landing Pages

Landing pages are one of the most important pages on your law firm's website. These are pages where links from your mentions, social media, and guest posts "land" on.

Unlike your blog posts, landing pages are made for client conversions. In short, landing pages are meant to encourage users to perform a certain action. Using effective call-to-action (CTAs), you can walk users through a sign-up for anything from email lists to free case reviews.

Remember: While traffic is good for your law firm's website, the main goal of Lawyer SEO is to get more clients.

Here's a list of things you can put on your landing pages:

  • Email list subscriptions

  • Newsletter subscription

  • Live chats

  • Forms for case reviews

  • Surveys

To read more, you can read our previous post on landing pages.

You're not limited to one or two landing pages. You can definitely make a dedicated landing page for Employment Law leads. Doing so allows you to send them targeted email content, case review recommendations, and referrals.

4. Optimize For Employment Law Keywords

Keywords how users find you. When you do your keyword research, you're looking for high-volume keywords popular on search engines. The higher the search volume, the more frequently people use them to do their searches.

So when you're optimizing your pages, use Labor Law keywords to boost your rankings. Here are a few examples:

  • Employment Lawyer Los Angeles

  • California Labor Lawyer

  • Labor Law Attorney

  • Lawyers For Employees

  • Wrongful Termination Lawyer

  • Discrimination Labor Attorney

  • Whistleblower Discrimination Lawyer

  • Los Angeles Employment Attorney

Even when they're looking for the same type of content, people still use different keywords. So feel free to incorporate relevant keywords as well.

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Remember: You don't have to use high-volume keywords all the time. You can also use long-tail keywords, which have less search volume but are more specific. Ranking high for those can be equally beneficial for your website.

You can use long-tail keywords for Local SEO. They're more specific keywords and have less volume than global keywords, but they improve your search engine visibility in your locale.

Let LawyerLeadMachine Help You Get Leads For Your Law Firm

Employment lawyers ensure a constant source of potential clients and lead in order to maximize their return on investment (ROI), and this demand must be met through the use of a result-driven lawyer marketing approach. Hiring a professional digital marketing agency for your law firm is one of the best moves you can make to further improve your marketing strategy.

Get in touch with us right away to find out how we can assist your law firm in achieving its legal marketing goals. To get you started, review your options here.

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