JC Serrano

Jul 15, 20214 min

5 Law Firm Blogs Strategy To Generate Traffic

Updated: Jun 30, 2022

An SEO Checklist Of What Drives Traffic To You Legal Blog

The most accessible entry-point to content marketing is starting a legal blog. It's often free, and it only requires some writing skills and editing. Plus, you'll most likely write about things you already know, so you may only need minimal research.

However, a great article might still get lost in the search results. In Lawyer SEO, high-quality content is key, but there are so many factors that might make it difficult for people to find you—worse, a few things can make them click off your blog.

There's no point in creating great content when there's no one to see them.

1. Keywords

Perhaps the simplest explanation for keywords in Lawyer SEO is this: they're the search terms you want to be found for.

As a Law Firm, you don't want to be found in the search results for hardware stores and local groceries. Instead, you want people to find you by typing words like "Lawyer", "Attorney", and "Personal Injury" into the search bar.

This is why conducting keyword research before you even start typing. Search engine algorithms are so advanced that they can pick up on keywords everywhere on your website—from the body of the text, titles, meta descriptions, alt texts, URLs, and tags.

For some ideas, you can read this previous post about keyword ideas for Law Firms.

2. Links

Links are important for Lawyer SEO for many reasons. In general, links users and search engines where everything is. When search engines (like Google) crawl your pages, they'll follow those links one by one. If a user reads something and finds a link in the text or images, they'll be encouraged to go to where it points to.

Here are three important links you should always remember:

  • Internal Links are links on your pages that take you to other pages within your domain. You can use them to organize your site, as well as assign levels of importance and relevance.

  • External Links points to a third-party site (and out of yours). They are usually used by Bloggers to site sources of the arguments or to endorse a site, company, brand, or software. You can also use them to point to your social media accounts, directory profiles, and other websites.

  • Backlinks from good websites can help people find your blog. Backlinks or Inbound Links come from one website to a page of another; so in theory, it might help direct the audience for that site to yours. To learn more about backlinks, you can read this post.

3. Promotion

If your blog post has been thoroughly optimized for Lawyer SEO, it can draw traffic by itself. However, it still helps to promote them as much as you can.

Link them to your social media pages and send them to subscribers as newsletters. Anyway, you can assist in improving traffic will be good for SEO.

Remember: Traffic begets more traffic. The more people click on your pages, the more it gets bumped up in the search results rankings. The higher you are in the rankings, the more users see and click on your page, and so on.

Putting links to your content everywhere you have an online presence only serves to benefit you in the long run.

4. Consistency

Consistency is the best way to maximize your content marketing strategy. SEO doesn't require you to post in large volumes, but you have to set a goal.

Interested users who stick around will want something new. If you don't post anything for months, it's going to start looking like you've abandoned your blog. So manage your workflow, set a fixed schedule and deadline, and get your content out after it's been edited and optimized.

Think of each post as a new chance to rank on the search results. With enough content across different keywords, you're expanding the places where people can find you.

For Example:

If you're competing for the keyword "Personal Injury Lawyer", you should also start optimizing for Local SEO. You can diversify the keywords you compete for by writing multiple posts for different keyword categories.

5. Create High-Quality Content

Finally—and obviously—your blog posts should be high-quality. The truth is, you can promote inadequate content through SEO, and it will get some traffic, believe it or not.

However, this can't be sustainable. Sure, you get people to click on your site via promotions, links, and keywords, but they might not stick around. If they take one look at your blog post and realize they can't get what they need from it, they'll click off and look for something else in its place.

While all the other suggestions in this list help your visibility, high-quality content makes users stay.

And while it can get you some initial traffic, high bounce rates will start affecting how you stand with search engines. For example, if Google detects an increased number of users clicking away from your site seconds after opening it, your stats are going to drop.

Need Help Coming Up With New Lawyer Website Content?

A well-written legal blog has the potential to be an effective vehicle for lead creation for your company. In its most basic form, publishing blogs for your law firm website means engaging in meaningful contact with the members of your target audience, and this connection generates value for both your company and the members of your audience.

Need help writing content? Get in touch with us right now to learn more about our lawyer content marketing services and about other helpful lawyer SEO practices.

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