How To Increase Website Traffic For Your Law Firm
Updated: Aug 17, 2022
6 Ways To Boost Traffic On Your Law Firm's Website
Your website is your law firm's calling card. However, as with any calling card, someone has to see it before they can call you. Likewise, just because your law firm has a website doesn't mean potential clients can immediately see it.

1. SEO
When someone searches for an "employment lawyer", they'll be met with a list of pages from law firms that deal with labor laws. If they find your law firm's pages in the search results, there's a chance that they might hire you for their legal concerns.
Remember: You increase your chances of catching a searcher's attention by ranking on the first page. The more buried you are in the search results, the fewer the people who are going to see your pages.
Keep in mind that using SEO to boost traffic takes a lot of time and effort. First, you must optimize your On-page SEO and write your content depending on what Google's algorithm considers worthy of higher ranks.
2. Content Marketing
Lawyer SEO and content marketing go hand in hand. A solid content marketing strategy will not only help you acquire brand awareness but also helps you build a relationship with your audience.
The goal of content marketing or "inbound marketing" is to attract the right people to your firm. Remember that users who look up law-related search terms are—at the very least—already interested in legal services. So whether it's just information they need, or they're already looking for a law firm to hire, your content can drive traffic from those who might need them.
Consider your content as a technique to extend your reach. Users may not find your website by directly looking up law firms, but they might stumble across your legal guides, infographics, and legal blogs.
There are ad spaces for everyone who wants it, from social media behemoths like Twitter to small blogs with a decent following. Ads can appear on popular blogs as soon as the host or creator accepts them on their site.
Paid ads are available in a variety of formats these days. For example, you can either have the site post your content or have a well-known site creator talk about you.
Fortunately, you can now control who your paid ads (like the ones Google offers) are shown to.
For Example:
If your law firm focuses solely on law areas frequently required by older clients (such as family law and business litigation), you can decide for it to be shown less to younger users. Similarly, if users (regardless of their age demographic) always look up lawyers in their area, the algorithm will show them ads for law firms.
4. Backlinks
When high-authority websites link to your site, you gain reputability. It is a sign of trust when you link to someone else's website.
So the more domains or sites that link to your page, the more "votes" it will receive.
This is why pages from reputable and well-known websites are frequently linked in articles and blog posts. If they are frequently cited as authoritative sources of information by bloggers and writers, search engines will boost them in the search results.
Similarly, search engines treat backlinks like recommendations. If credible websites link back to you, that means you must be as reputable. As a result, backlinks increase your "domain authority," making your site more valuable than your competitors.
Social media is great for promotions. Most platforms are free, easy to use, and have sizeable userbases. You can link your blog posts and articles without having to pay for ads. If you know when to post and which hashtags to use, you might even get a few users to click on them.
You can also make social media content, build an audience, and interact with followers. For example, some professionals on Twitter (including lawyers!) are interactive—answering simple FAQs and posting interesting trivia—and this helps them grow their following.
Even if you don't want to be as interactive with audiences, social media is a great way to attract users who otherwise would not have found your firm in the search results. Just make sure your contact information is included in your Twitter bio, YouTube video description, or Instagram captions.
Businesses from different industries still use email marketing. This strategy can also be implemented alongside your content marketing strategy.
Subscribers to your email list are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Users do not consent to subscribe to stuff that will only clutter their inboxes.
To obtain a user's email address, you must first earn their trust with your on-site content, and then you must earn their trust by having them open and click on your emails in their inbox.
This strategy is especially effective for persuading customers who are still on the fence about hiring you for legal services—they're interested but want to learn more about you before deciding.
LawyerLeadMachine Can Help Improves Your Lawyer Website Traffic
Lawyer SEO can bring traffic through on-page and off-page optimization. Traffic can come from anywhere, but you can boost them through on-page SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing.
To get started on your SEO strategy, review your options here.
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